
About Jonathan and Tracy

If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance you already know us either separately or as a couple and have been hearing about this trip for a while.  We met 7 years ago on a kickball team in Richmond, Virginia and have been living in and exploring Colorado for the past 5 years.  With hikes in the Rockies happening most weekends, discussions of our future would occasionally come up in conversation.  While hiking up The Crags 3 years ago, Tracy mentioned to Jonathan her goal of taking a trip around the world before starting a family.  After a few miles of talking logistics, it was decided and the planning (and saving) began.

Our last Colorado adventure before we leave
Our last Colorado adventure before we leave

About the trip

The question we get asked the most often is, “How did you decide where to go?”  To be honest, the decisions are no where close to finalized as they change weekly depending on who we meet and talk to.  We started, however, with each of us chosing three must-visit countries.

Jonathan’s top three:

  • Israel: If you know Jonathan, you know his affection for religious history (and propensity to lecture you after a beer or two if you are not careful)
  • Australia:  Jonathan has been scuba dive certified for over 10 years with a goal to dive the granddaddy of them all, the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Italy (later changed to Cuba):  After looking through our budget, Western Europegot cut and saved for later travel.  Jonathan switched his bid to Cuba to follow the romanticized visions of Hemingway, his favorite author – and watch some serious baseball, mojito in hand.

Tracy’s top three:

  • Peru: Growing up backpacking with her family, the Inca Trail has been on Tracy`s bucket list for some time and she is excited to have her parents and Jonathan’s sister, Jessica join them on this section of the trip!
  • Thailand: Tracy has traveled extensively to many parts of the world, however she has yet to make it to Southeast Asia.  After hearing the stories of friends and family who have traveled and lived there, Thailand and the surrounding countries seem full of unfamiliarity, beauty, and adventure.
  • South Africa: Tracy studied in Stellenbosch, South Africa in college and is excited to not only return to friends and spaces, but also to show Jonathan a place that has held special meaning in her life and helped define her world view.

After listing our must-see’s, we relied on advice and stories from friends and strangers alike to plan our route.  We took advice from anyone willing to share including guests from around the world who stayed with us through Airbnb.  We have a map covered in stickie notes of their suggestions and are now traveling to Sri Lanka and Panama thanks to guests from those countries convincing us to visit.

The plan...
The plan…

We are taking the trip as it comes with big plane tickets purchased in advanced and day-to-day itineraries and small trips planned as we get closer with the help of other travelers, locals, and probably many “let’s see what happens” moments.  This should make for an epic adventure where we both learn about ourselves, each other, and those around the world.

7 thoughts on “Background

  1. David Rauk October 24, 2015 / 5:05 am

    So cool. so very cool.


  2. Laura Mason October 26, 2015 / 11:21 pm

    So excited for you guys! What an epic adventure.


  3. Emily October 29, 2015 / 6:51 pm

    Yaaaaaaay I am so so so so so excited for you guys 🙂 Can’t wait to follow your adventures. Stay safe and ubuntu! xo Em


  4. Fiona October 29, 2015 / 10:32 pm

    Yayyy, can’t wait to read about and see all of your adventures!! 🙂


  5. Lindsey November 11, 2015 / 11:29 pm

    Bon Voyage! Can’t wait to read about and see pictures of this amazing trip! xo Lindsey


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