
Well, we are about three-quarters of the way through our trip so time to update the stats we have been “recording”.

Countries visited: 17

Violent stomach disagreements: 2 for Tracy, 3 for Jon (3 in Vietnam, 2 in Colombia)

Nights spent in:

  • Airports – 4
  • Planes – 4
  • Trains – 2
  • Buses – 5
  • Van – 54 (whew!)

Cribbage victories: Jonathan 25, Tracy 28

Got robbed: 2 (Thailand and Peru)

Temper tantrums: Tracy 2 (standing in her underwear because she was too hot), Jonathan 1 (in the backseat after ten hours of driving)

Continuous hackysack hits: 7

Countries snuck into: 1 (from Cambodia to Laos via the Mekong River)

Sunglasses lost or broken: 12

Every country has a cheap generic light lager they drink at nearly the same rate as water.  We have tried them all.  Here are our current top 3:

  1. Mosi (from Zambia)
  2. Beer Lao (from Laos)
  3. $0.25 per glass “house beer” from Vietnam

Best sleep: Milford Sound, New Zealand after 4 days and 35 miles of trekking

Worst sleep: The banks of the Zambezi River with the hippos (amazingly worse than the night we curled up in booths at an airport Burger King)

Favorite meal: Guay tiw kia gai on the streets of Bangkok. A close second for Jonathan was a stone-grilled Outback steak in Australia

After going to one game, we decided to start following Super Rugby.  We are fiercely loyal to our favorite team, the Central Otago Highlanders.  We HATE The Auckland Blues and the Wellington Hurricanes.  And we support, through pity, the Argentinian Jaguars (pronounced: Ha-Guar-Ays) and the Tokyo Sunwolves (who just had their first win EVER).

Phrases we tend to use quite a bit:

  • “Well that escalated quickly”
  • “Same same, but different”
  • “Where should we sleep tomorrow?”
  • “We did our best…”
  • “And it is time for a beer”
  • “Yeah…we can’t believe it either” (Relating to Donald Trump)
  • “#vanlife”
  • “I love you”